
Shin-ichi ORIMO

Chairperson of MH2026/Director/Professor,
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR),
Tohoku University

MH2024 held in Saint-Malo, France, was a magnificent event, characterized by breathtaking scenery, exquisite cuisine, and heartfelt hospitality. Researchers from various institutions worldwide engaged in open-minded exchanges, shared the latest research findings, and discussed future collaborative research themes. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the organizers, Dr. Fermin Cuevas and Prof. Yaroslav Filinchuk, as well as all the members involved in making this event a great success.

As a result of discussions at the International Steering Committee (ISC), the M in MH will be changed from “Metal” to “Material” from the next MH2026 (Sendai, Japan). In this commemorative renewal, the organizing committee will do its utmost to fully convey the appeal of Japan, the host country, and to encourage many discoveries by researchers, so that this will be a new starting point for accelerating the deepening of hydrogen science and the realization of a hydrogen energy society.

We eagerly anticipate the pleasure of meeting you in Japan and in Sendai.


July 23, 2024
Shin-ichi ORIMO

 素晴らしい景観と美食の国での心のこもったおもてなし、各国の研究機関の多様な研究者とのオープンマインドな交流、そして多くの最新の研究成果の共有と今後の共同研究テーマなどの議論など、MH2024(サン・マロ、フランス)は最高の舞台となりました。あらためて、主催者のDr. Fermin CuevasとProf. Yaroslav Filinchuk、そして運営に携わられたすべての皆様方に、心より感謝申し上げます。



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